H1 and H2 Tag Analysis

Before starting a search engine optimization campaign SEO experts analyze a website from a number of perspectives to elaborate an efficient optimization strategy. One of the key components of initial SEO planning is H1 and H2 Tag analysis.
Mostly associated with newspapers and magazines headings also have a role to play on the web pages as well.

H1 and H2 Tags are HTML commands used to underline the most important parts of the web content i.e. targeted keywords. There are six types of header tags ranging from H1 to H6. By using header tags you automatically apply bolding and increase the font of a word or phrase. H1 tag produces the biggest headings and H6 the smallest. In terms of search engine rankings H1 and H2 tags are most valuable. Their importance is twofold. First, they guide search engine crawlers to the most relevant words on a web page (keywords).

Second, they are used to draw the visitors’ attention to particular parts of the content conveying the message of a sales copy and encouraging desired action. Due to the impact header tags produce on the visitors and search engine rankings it is critical to use them appropriately on each web page. That is why we at SEO Management take the time to run a comprehensive H1 and H2 Tag Analysis. We analyze the current usage of header tags and work out ways to make their use more efficient and search engine friendly.

H1 and H2 tags are analyzed from two perspectives: from the point of view of search engines and Internet surfers.

H1 and H2 analysis impact on Search Engines

Search engines interpret header tags as indicators of relevancy. They perceive H1 and H2 tagged text as the most important part of the. That’s why header tags should be used wisely in order to reinforce the overall effectiveness of the content and contribute to higher search engine rankings. Too many H1 tags throughout the regular text body may have a negative impact on search engine rankings. H1 tag should contain the central keyword of the web page. If there are secondary keywords they can be given more weight with the help of a H2 tag.

When doing H1 and H2 tag analysis it is also important to take into account the position of tagged text on the page. The thing is that search engines read web pages from the top left hand corner to the bottom of the page on the right. That means that H1and H2 tags are most effective at the beginning of the content.

H1 and H2 analysis impact on Users

Apart from generating targeted traffic a website should also be appealing to the users. That is why H1 and H2 tag analysis takes human factor into account. It’s common fact that Internet surfers tend to prefer short messages to lots of textual information. Appropriate use of H1 and H2 tags allows the visitors to scan through a copy getting the essence and deciding whether to read the whole of it. It is also important to make sure that the header tags are properly displayed in all Internet browsers.